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Genre Movie :Action & Adventure
Mpaa Rating : PG-13
Release Date : May 24, 2013 Wide
Actors :Vin Diesel,Paul Walker,Dwayne "The Rock" Jo...,Jordana Brewster,Michelle Rodriguez,Tyrese Gibson,Sung Kang,Gal Gadot,Chris "Ludacris" Bri...,Luke Evans,Elsa Pataky,Gina Carano,Clara Paget,Kim Kold,Joe Taslim,Samuel Stewart,Benjamin Davies,Matthew Stirling,David Ajala,Thure Lindhardt
Visitor Ranting & Critics For Fast & Furious 6
All Critics Ranting For Fast & Furious 6 : 6.2If You Like this movie you can streaming Fast & Furious 6 movie without downloading HERE
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Review For Fast & Furious 6
Just as the plot threatens to run out of gas, Lin rescues the film with a spate of vastly ridiculous and therefore enjoyable set-pieces, most of which involve means of conveyance designed to make the cars look puny.Anthony Lane-New Yorker
Exists purely to showcase how idiotically over-the-top action sequences can become when annoyances like gravity are tossed to the side.
James Berardinelli-ReelViews
Some of the action sequences are insane. No, really. Absurd, impossible, physics defying, triage-required stuff. No matter. That's the foolish rush of a franchise that must go faster and faster and furiouser and furiouser.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post
How you feel about "Fast & Furious 6" is a matter of perspective.
Joe Williams-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Ludicrous, but undeniably fun and surprisingly affectionate, this is really all you could ask of a car crash movie, and more.
Tom Charity-CNN.com
Furious Six continues on in the same vein as its predecessor, and may just be my favorite of the lot.
Ian Buckwalter-The Atlantic
Shamelessly traffics in mind-numbing contrivance and formula and owns them with such stylish verve it doesn't matter a damn.
Michael Dequina-TheMovieReport.com
This Formula 6 racing flick's tire-spinning in a vacuum: the plausible's passed early on, the ludicrous is smoked down the stretch, and any lingering basic law of action-film gravitas is shredded by the finish line.
Brian Gibson-Vue Weekly (Edmonton, Canada)
...Furious 6 fares noticeably worse than its surprisingly entertaining (yet far-from-flawless) predecessor...
David Nusair-About.com
There is a lot of hollow talk about codes of honor and some really corny dialogue and delivery, but the light tone and breakneck pace make these things easy to forgive. Lin has become a top-flight action director.
Eric Melin-Scene-Stealers.com
Souped-up action filmmaking at its most unabashedly entertaining.
Tom Clift-Moviedex
At least a half-hour too long, "Fast and Furious 6″ is not fast, which made my backside furious.
Michael A. Smith-MediaMikes
There is comfort in familiarity, which is why having original cast members back together... is a definite asset,
Leonard Maltin-Leonard Maltin's Picks
The target audience won't care as much about the characters with two arms and two legs as it will about the characters with four wheels.
Todd Jorgenson-Cinemalogue.com
A satisfying next step in a series which brings out the little boy and his Hot Wheels cars in all of us.
Sam Bathe-Fan The Fire
Director Justin Lin once again ups the ante as cars, motorbikes, tanks and even planes roar across the screen in dazzling displays of stunt choreography.
Matthew Pejkovic-Matt's Movie Reviews
With an apparent brief to set a new franchise record for on-screen vehicular mayhem, the film's signature sequence involves the car-crunching daylight pursuit of a tank as it powers down the wrong side of a Spanish freeway. It's magnificently nuts.
Jim Schembri-3AW
Not every action film needs a prompt disclaimer in the credits, but Fast 6 is dim-witted enough to need one
Cameron Williams-The Popcorn Junkie
I recently saw a guy on TV having his scrotum nailed to a table in front of a laughing studio audience ... and Fast & Furious 6 is still the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
Tim Martain-The Mercury
If you want to enjoy this movie, leave what you know about the laws of gravity in the lobby.
Jules Brenner-Cinema Signals
stretches into new genre territory while still maintaining the basic expectations of big muscles, fast cars, and loud guns
James Kendrick-Q Network Film Desk
The plotting is ridiculous and the dialogue is melodramatic, but the stunts are as good as they get.
Forrest Hartman-Reno Gazette-Journal
"Having been so pleasantly surprised by how great Fast 5 was, Fast & Furious 6 is a massively bonkers disappointment.
Matt Neal-The Standard
Lin achieves numerous times throughout Furious 6's - admittedly, overblown - running time the kind of logistical lunacy seen only in Fast Five's cacophonous climax.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix
... Lin must actually listen to criticism and has been slowly rectifying the mistakes made in his previous films - hell, the way he is going, by the time they get to Sweet Fast 16, it might be up for Best Picture.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat
This franchise puts it all on the screen. It's completely ludicrous, totally bonkers, and that's why you're there.
CJ Johnson-ABC Radio (Australia)
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