Saturday, August 31, 2013
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Free Watch Chasing Ice New Movie with Full HD
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Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : PG-13 Release Date : Nov 9, 2012 Limited
Actors :James Balog,Svavar Jonatansson,Adam LeWinter,Jeff Orlowski,Tad Pfeffer,Jason Box,Louie Psihoyos,Kitty Boone,Sylvia Earle,Dennis Dimick,Suzanne Balog,Synte Peacock,Thomas Swetnam,Terry Root,Peter Hoeppe,Gerald Meehl,Emily Balog,Martin Nørregaard,Simone Balog,James Woolsey
Visitor Ranting & Critics For Chasing Ice
All Critics Ranting For Chasing Ice : 7.6If You Like this movie you can streaming Chasing Ice movie without downloading HERE
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Review For Chasing Ice
Still an eco-sceptic? Clap your eyes on this lot. Awe-inspiring, terrifying, transcendently beautiful, and absolutely weighted with significance for the future of the planet.Trevor Johnston-Time Out
The most important documentary of the year.
Tom Long-Detroit News
"Chasing Ice" is a grand adventure, a visual amazement and a powerful warning.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune
If you're looking for eye-popping evidence that the world's glaciers are melting, don't miss the small-scale but spectacular documentary, Chasing Ice.
Owen Gleiberman-Entertainment Weekly
The rapid disappearance of ice mountains, filmed over a period of years, is compressed through time-lapse technology into minutes and seconds. The speeded-up effect is harrowing and also, disturbingly, eerily beautiful.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor
The movie might have given us a bit less of Balog and a bit more of the startling sequences he produced.
Walter V. Addiego-San Francisco Chronicle
On one hand, it's humbling to watch as a glacier the size of five football fields slumps into the ocean like a defeated whale, while on the other it's eye-opening to think about how cataclysmic the effects could be in years to come.
Stephen Carty-Flix Capacitor
As a documentary, it offers most of its likely viewers grim confirmation of what they already know, rather than the thrill of discovery.
Margot Harrison-Seven Days
Less a didactic 'message-movie' than a study of one man's steely determination, the debut helmer directs with a sure hand and no-frills aesthetic.
Beautiful, affecting documentary about glacier retreat.
Emily Ashby-Common Sense Media
If seeing equals believing, then this film's documentation ought to sway the world. But daredevil heroes and sexy screen goddesses probably help the medicine go down.
Marjorie Baumgarten-Austin Chronicle
While visually and emotionally stunning, "Chasing Ice" raises almost as many questions as it answers.
Lindsey Cherner-Austin American-Statesman
Chasing Ice will open your eyes to a world you've never seen before and it will make you think. But whether any of us can change anything is a different matter altogether.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail
Global Warming? "Seeing is believing."
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service
While skeptics continue to doubt global warming is a man-made phenomenon - Rush Limbaugh called warnings about it "garbage science" - "Chasing Ice" leaves little doubt it is occurring.
Duane Dudek-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
It's an absorbing and vital watch.
Gail Tolley-The List
It's like watching our world disappear.
Philip French-Observer [UK]
A few scientists pop their heads in here, a few charts are deployed, but Chasing Ice is powered primarily by the imagery, stark, irrefutable evidence that the planet is warming, not in one or two isolated places but everywhere.
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher
"Chasing Ice" is a beautiful film to watch, especially on the big screen. But the documentary's visual pleasures come with a heavy dose of guilt.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI)
It's sobering stuff but the film's impact is somewhat diminished by Orlowski's reverential profile of Balog, who continues to crusade despite the toll his endeavours have taken on his body.
David Parkinson-Radio Times
The documentary feels a little slight but the images speak for themselves ...
Allan Hunter-Daily Express
Is this about the hazards of global warming or the awesomeness of James Balog? Not entirely sure...
David Jenkins-Little White Lies
If any film can convert the climate-change sceptics, Chasing Ice would be it: here, seeing really is believing.
Mike McCahill-Guardian [UK]
While more detailed scientific analysis and greater discussion of impacts would have been welcome, the film's visual rhetoric is solid.
Peter Canavese-Groucho Reviews
National Geographic photographer James Balog illustrates climate change with time-lapsed records of glacial retreat.
Tim Robey-Daily Telegraph
A project of heroic, Herzogian endeavour. Mad, you might say. But probably not as mad as what the rest of us are doing about climate change: namely almost nothing.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times
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Friday, August 30, 2013
Free Watch Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay New Movie with Full HD
If You Like this movie you can streaming Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay movie without downloading HERE
Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : Unrated Release Date : Apr 17, 2013 Limited
Actors :Ricky Jay,Winston Simone,David Mamet,Persi Diaconis,Suzie MacKenzie,Michael Weber,Sensei Fred Neumann,Dick Cavett
Visitor Ranting & Critics For Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay
All Critics Ranting For Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay : 7.6If You Like this movie you can streaming Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay movie without downloading HERE
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Movie Image New Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay
Review For Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay
The film offers all manner of mind-blowing tricks, as well as a colorful history of the evolution of magic and illusions, especially through the 20th century.Tom Long-Detroit News
Jay's own personality and intellect steer the film, and he's such a finely honed performer that he easily carries it off...What we get here, simply, is time spent with Ricky Jay, and that's time well spent.
Walter V. Addiego-San Francisco Chronicle
Molly Bernstein and Alan Edelstein's film works first and foremost as a showcase of Jay's skills, but he's also an ideal interview subject ...
Adam Nayman-Globe and Mail
A documentary portrait of the magician, author and actor who is known as one of today's preeminent practitioners of close-up magic.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post
For heaven's sake! Another documentary I didn't know I was waiting for-and am equally glad to see.
Stanley Kauffmann-The New Republic
The magic in this documentary portrait of actor and stage illusionist Ricky Jay comes mainly from his fond recollections of old performers.
J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader
The splendid feats and dazzling card magic direct our attention away from the inner life of a large, glowering and cryptic figure. You learn a lot from Jay, and yet he keeps his mystique.
Richard von Busack-MetroActive
I happen to love magic tricks. Deceptive Practice gave me a healthy dose of them, plus a good bit of history as well, and I appreciated it.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Combustible Celluloid
Magic and Magical
Offers us a peek into a fervent force of creativity - as with many great artists, it's one of which we have limited understanding though all the more appreciation.
Matthew Sorrento-Film International
Ricky Jay only lets you see what he wants you to see when he's on stage. Doesn't it make sense that a film about him would be similarly elusive? And sometimes even magical?
It's not the tightest Documentary I've ever seen, but it offers a rare look into the life of that charismatic, mysterious character that is Ricky Jay. If you're a fan of magic, card tricks, or Jay.... definitely check it out.
Austin Kennedy-Film Geek Central
If you like magic, I bet you'll love it. I don't, and even I had fun.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press
Although the subject doesn't come through in high definition, his legacy is hypnotic, celebrated and studied here in a manner that's wholly satisfying and often eye-crossingly mesmerizing.
...a must for anyone who's ever had the urge to pull a coin from someone's ear or even just wondered 'How did he *do* that?'
Laura Clifford-Reeling Reviews
TagLine Deceptive Practice: The Mysteries and Mentors of Ricky Jay
Free Watch Monsters University New Movie with Full HD
If You Like this movie you can streaming Monsters University movie without downloading HERE
Genre Movie :Action & Adventure,Animation,Kids & Family,Science Fiction & Fantasy,Comedy
Mpaa Rating : G Release Date : Jun 21, 2013 Wide
Actors :Billy Crystal,John Goodman,Steve Buscemi,Helen Mirren,Peter Sohn,Joel Murray,Sean Hayes,Dave Foley,Charlie Day,Alfred Molina,Tyler Labine,Nathan Fillion,Aubrey Plaza,Bobby Moynihan,Noah Johnston,Julia Sweeney,Bonnie Hunt,John Krasinski,Bill Hader,Beth Behrs
Visitor Ranting & Critics For Monsters University
All Critics Ranting For Monsters University : 6.8If You Like this movie you can streaming Monsters University movie without downloading HERE
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Review For Monsters University
It is essentially Revenge of the Nerds, with fur. And scales. And whatever gooey, gelatinous substance comprises the outer coating of various other oddball creatures in this crazy parallel world.Christy
It has enough of the right stuff to haunt the imagination long after the immediate buzz of its fluffy-furred cuteness has melted away. For a mere prequel, that's a result.
Trevor Johnston-Time Out
"Laurence Anyways" is a formidable display of French Canadian director Xavier Dolan's prodigious talents, but also a case study of a young talent still finding his way to greatness.He'll get there one day, soon, but this film doesn't quite do it.
David Lewis-San Francisco Chronicle
This is a safe, predictable, edge-free, nearly bland effort from a studio that rarely hedges its bets.
Richard Roeper-Richard
As prequels go, Monsters University is pretty nifty.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor
Although it falls short of the best Pixar has brought to the screen over its long association with Disney, it's nevertheless worth a trip to the theater, especially for kids.
James Berardinelli-ReelViews
Studios don't often seem to be thinking about the ideal moviegoer, just about the maximum number of moviegoers ... Pixar is no different in that regard, but even in this relatively fallow period ... it's never stopped thinking the most of us.
Wesley Morris-Grantland
Directed by Dan Scanlon, whose PIXAR association includes stints working on "Cars," "Brave" and the short film "Mater and the Ghostlights," "Monster's University" is a worthy prequel to what is arguably one of PIXAR's greatest achievements.
Michael A. Smith-MediaMikes
There's a rather tired, willed atmosphere hanging over it.
Philip French-Observer [UK]
Do these movies have to be so unremittingly bland?
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray
One day, it will be interesting to see in which order children will prefer to play the DVDs of the two Monsters' films. For now, many adults will find the new version has been 'Disneyfied' at the expense of Pixar's more poetic core values.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail
The loose and familiar interplay between Crystal and Goodman drives the film and gives it endless charm, with Mirren a glorious addition to the cast ...
Terry Staunton-Radio Times
So many movies, these days, are about nerds and their market value. Dan Scanlon's prequel is the newest, but already feels old.
Charlotte O'Sullivan-This is London
A worthy addition to the Pixar class of classics.
James White-SFX Magazine
If you enjoyed Monsters, Inc 12 years ago then you're not going to be disappointed even if it does feel a little slight at times.
Allan Hunter-Daily Express
It's a strong look at the genesis of a satisfying partnership, but it could be stronger if it trusted that partnership to carry the story.
Tasha Robinson-The Dissolve
It is funny. But the longed-for return to Pixar greatness seems as far away as ever.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]
Pixar revisits the characters from 2001's Monsters, Inc. for a frat-house prequel. Which is kind of an odd setting for a kids' movie.
After an hour it starts to feel like Harry Potter gone wacky and gonzo - and not quite wacky and gonzo enough.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times
It's not that Monsters University lacks any of the heart or wit of Pixar's finest achievements - the attention to detail and sight gags are as impressive as ever - but narratively speaking this is derivative in the extreme.
Adam Woodward-Little White Lies
The story is so fully and elegantly realised that to call it a prequel would somehow feel like an insult.
Robbie Collin-Daily Telegraph
Mostly takes the old college tropes and doesn't sneak, crawl or run too far with them. There's a bravura scene near the end that's far and away the film's best 10 minutes. Most spark, spontaneity and character complexity is left for the sideline monsters.
Brian Gibson-Vue Weekly (Edmonton, Canada)
A funny, furry entry for kids yet to experience the horrors of tertiary education, or the disappointment of dashed dreams.
Anton Bitel-Film4
From sunny autumn mornings to rainy afternoons and gloaming dusks, it feels like the couldn't-be cartoonier characters are going about their business in a very real world.
Elliott Noble-Sky Movies
Entertaining, beautifully animated Pixar prequel with superb voice performances, a constant stream of amusing gags and an oddly realistic central message ...
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon
TagLine Monsters University School never looked this scary.
Free Watch Svatá Ctverice New Movie with Full HD
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Genre Movie :Drama
Mpaa Rating : Unrated Release Date : Apr 16, 2013 Limited
Actors :Jenovefa Bokova,Gregor Buaer,Hynek Cermak,Viktorie Cermakova,Jiri Langmajer,Marika Sarah Prochazkova,Ludek Munzar
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