Thursday, August 8, 2013

Free Watch Identity Thief New Movie with Full HD

Unlimited funds have allowed Diana (McCarthy) to live it up on the outskirts of Miami, where the queen of retail buys whatever strikes her fancy. There's only one glitch: The ID she's using to finance these sprees reads "Sandy Bigelow Patterson"....and it belongs to an accounts rep (Bateman) who lives halfway across the U.S. With only one week to hunt down the con artist before his world implodes, the real Sandy Bigelow Patterson heads south to confront the woman with an all-access pass to his life. And as he attempts to bribe, coax and wrangle her the 2,000 miles to Denver, one easy target will discover just how tough it is to get your name back. -- (C) Official Site
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Movie Title : Identity Thief
Genre Movie :Comedy
Mpaa Rating : R
Release Date : Feb 8, 2013 Wide

Actors :Jason Bateman,Melissa McCarthy,Jon Favreau,Amanda Peet,Tip 'T.I.' Harris,Genesis Rodriguez ,Morris Chestnut,John Cho,Robert Patrick,Eric Stonestreet,Jonathan Banks,Ryan Gaul,Steve Mallory,Tyler Nilson,Steven E. Little,Andrew Friedman,Antwan Mills,Ian Quinn,Diva Tyler,Mary-Charles Jones


Visitor Ranting & Critics For Identity Thief

All Critics Ranting For Identity Thief : 4.1

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Review For Identity Thief

It saddles Bateman with a thankless uptight straight-man role while heaping serial slapstick ignominies on his co-star, who gamely bounds through everything the script throws at her.
Trevor Johnston-Time Out

Even with all its shortcomings and sentimental fudges, there is something about McCarthy's refusal to lie down and play the victim that gives it a comic edge. A blunt edge, to be sure, but an edge all the same.

[A] sloppily made exercise of rip-offs and redemption.
Linda Barnard-Toronto Star

Considering that it starts out with two distinctive and likable stars and a reasonably promising premise, "Identity Thief" reaches impressive heights of laziness and idiocy.
Andrew O'

Identity Thief apparently forgets it was supposed to be a comedy.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

"Identity Thief" is a cheap copy of much better comedies.
Richard Roeper-Richard

The gags mostly grab at low-hanging fruit, frittering away the marvelous potential of Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy on an odd-couple road trip.
Eric D. Snider-Twitch

More arduous than raucous, this unfunny, odd-couple road movie wastes both a promising comedy premise and a pair of talented comic performers. Bateman and McCarthy deserve better.
Stephen Carty-Flix Capacitor

The natural charisma of the two leads is about the only thing that saves Identity Thief; it's a very generic, very lazy Hollywood comedy.
Sam Bathe-Fan The Fire

Very little about Identity Thief is original. After a brief introduction that leads to Sandy and Diana travelling across the country together, viewers are saddled with a story that's essentially a road movie with an Odd Couple twist.
Forrest Hartman-Reno Gazette-Journal

Bateman and McCarthy seem inspired enough to make this janky old jalopy of a story somewhat entertaining, playing to type with a lukewarm script.

Sure, the two leads deserve better material, but there are enough laughs here to make up for a lot of creative mistakes-casting isn't one of them.
Bruce Bennett-Spectrum (St. George, Utah)

...a yawner plot set-up that leads to lots of wannabe off-colour gags, a small army of pursuing villains and an expected final act in which Jason's icky-sticky niceness might perhaps stop McCarthy from being a shrieking psychopath.
David 'Mad Dog' Bradley-Rip It Up

Formulaic multiplex mulch, way over-long, often feels strained...That said, Identity Thief is the latest example of the disconnect that often exists between critical opinion and popular appeal. Slammed by critics the low-budget film has been a huge hit.
Jim Schembri-3AW

Identity Thief molests the idea of the 'odd couple' beyond recognition.
Blake Howard-2UE That Movie Show

Don't let Identity Thief steal two hours of your life.
Tom Glasson-Concrete Playground

The film's darker elements are brushed aside and we're left with a zany, feel-good finale.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane

an unwieldy and unfunny farce that's robbed of comic potential through its reliance on shrill mayhem over wit.
Michael Simms-FILMINK (Australia)

When the plot feels like you've seen it three times before, and done better on each of those occasions, the movie better have something else going for it. Identity Thief doesn't.
Matt Neal-The Standard

The first thing I did after returning from the screening was take two painkillers for my throbbing headache. A man can only withstand so much shrill shrieking and faux-screwball antics.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

There's probably a funny film buried somewhere deep within this concept of a morally corrupt protagonist, whose compulsion to steal identities finds her facing off with the man whose identity she has stolen, but this isn't it
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

Identity Thief features the kind of 'humour' which says you don't just hit a person once, you should do it repeatedly to make it funnier.
Graham Young-Birmingham Post

The film is painfully unfunny, almost literally so.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

There's real potential in this premise for a ripping screwball comedy anchored by two likeable actors, but the filmmakers simply don't trust the material, stirring in constant elements of action mayhem that don't work at all.

Feeble as comedy, the movie is needlessly violent, too, as if half the crew misguidedly thought they were making a foul-mouthed action thriller.
Tim Robey-Daily Telegraph

The real crime here is the waste of comic talent.
Henry Fitzherbert-Daily Express


TagLine Identity Thief Is this the face of a sucker?

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